The Chaturbhuj Temple, dedicated to Vishnu, is perpendicularly connected to the East - West axis, at 12m, of the town. The temple has a complex multi-storied structural view which is a blend of temple, fort and palace architectural features. Opposite the temple, is an older Mint alongside a former police thana. The central space between these two prominent structures holds the courtyard market, which is mainly run by locals. Majority of which were selling sweets, toys, accessories, idols, and other temple related commodities. Out of this market space grows 3 lanes, two towards north and one towards east. One of the two leading towards north, connects to the Macchli Darwaja and the other connects to Raja Ram Mandir. The one towards east connects to the North – South main axis of the town. The connecting aisle to the Macchli Darwaja is semi commercial-residential space and the one towards Raja Ram mandir is a small transitional space, not mainly used for commercial reasons.
The courtyard layout of the market offers greater interaction opportunities between the people of different backgrounds. The population ranges from pilgrims to locals to tourists to travelers inhabiting different parts of the space differently throughout the day and night. The temporal shops found are of specific types, which cater to the population found in and around the space, like artifacts, food, toys, sweets. This large courtyard space is most active during the evenings. And in the mornings, it is used as a parking
space by the residents. This large open space is most vibrant during the festivals as the footfall of the space increases, leading to the shop owners to expect more customers making them extend their shops to cater to its newly induced needs.
The semi commercial-residential aisle has a very specific typology, where the commercial spaces merge with the residential spaces seamlessly, without any hard barrier. The houses were initially single story, but as the need of the residents increased, they added new storys, which did affect the type of the space but in a hidden way. Also, shops have been here for 10+ years, some even more than that. The shops all over the site have established a competitive monopoly here, making them fierce over grabbing customers.
The gardens around the temple were strategically located around an area of dense activities to provide relief to the urban fabric and to enhance the views from the high stories of palaces and temples.




Spaces are usually divided into three sections -closed, semi-open and open spaces. Each of these have a different function.

narrow entrance providing an expression at the grandness of the temple

-in contrast to the front of the temple, the back is unused for shops, but only for car parking

Through regular activities, the space outside the temple is constructed, molded and transformed, according to the functions.

Various elements such as shops, houses, open spaces, plinths provides a unique spatiality to the “galli”

another entrance to the Chaturbhuj Temple

infrastructure for public use
-This section depicts the newly formed art gallery due to the popularity of the monuments, and going to the level of the plinth of the chaturbhuj temple
This section depicts the threshold of the formal spaces created by the community for their financial well-being between the two antique structures.
This section displays the typology of the narrow lane, which includes residential areas and a religious space built in front of an old mint factory, transitioning to a more modern and commercial area.